You’re invited to a special Boulder Phil music and lecture event with Music Director Michael Butterman and Physicist Juan Roederer. Performing on the piano will be Boulder Phil’s Director of Education and Community Engagement, Fernanda Nieto, DMA.
Many of you have surely experienced deep emotional reactions to music. We don’t mean the “practical applications” of music in dancing, religious or communal ceremonies, or programmatic music in movies and commercials. We’re talking about the feeling when, while listening to a CD at home, a sudden wave of goosebumps runs down your spine.
In his 1760 Treatise Code de Musique Practique, composer and music theorist Jean-Philippe Rameau launched a salvo of piercing questions about the origin of music and its universal structures. We shall examine his most challenging questions, listen to pertinent musical examples, and explain the current scientific answers.
Don’t miss this musical conversation between Maestro Butterman and Roederer, as they explore the question “Why is there music?” and the centuries of research that have sought to find the answers.